Saint Mary at Bethany
@ Lindsborg, Kan.
10/13/2021 at 7:00 PM

Final 1 2 3 Score
Saint Mary (14-8, 3-2) 25 25 25 3
Bethany (7-13, 3-3) 18 20 23 0
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
  SAINT MA starters: Madison Folsom; Emma Prothe; Rylee Kenitzer; Hannah Vanriette; Michelle Dvorak; Haydan Heuermann.  
  BETHANY starters: Brekken Anderson; Madison Scott; Jordan Valentine; McKenzie Scott; Parker Stevens; Justice Brackney.  
  SAINT MA subs: Keishla Reyes.  
  BETHANY subs: Cameron Boyd.  
1-0 [Haydan Heuermann] Kill by Rylee Kenitzer (from Keishla Reyes). Point SAINT MA
[Haydan Heuermann] Kill by Madison Scott (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 1-1
  BETHANY subs: Cierra Davis.  
2-1 [McKenzie Scott] Kill by Michelle Dvorak (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Bailey Chintala; Keagan Shockley.  
[Bailey Chintala] Attack error by Rylee Kenitzer. Point BETHANY 2-2
  SAINT MA subs: Camryn Hoover.  
  BETHANY subs: Jolyssa Marquart; Atlantis Jamerson.  
3-2 [Jolyssa Marquart] Kill by Michelle Dvorak (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Hannah Vanriette.  
  SAINT MA subs: Laney Ward.  
[Laney Ward] Kill by Cierra Davis (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 3-3
  BETHANY subs: Jordan Valentine.  
  SAINT MA subs: Michelle Dvorak.  
4-3 [Cameron Boyd] Kill by Hannah Vanriette (from Keishla Reyes). Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Alli Puetz; Abby Hairell.  
[Abby Hairell] Attack error by Keagan Shockley. Point BETHANY 4-4
  BETHANY subs: Kaitlin Estes.  
[Kaitlin Estes] Service ace (Keishla Reyes). Point BETHANY 4-5
5-5 [Kaitlin Estes] Service error. Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Parker Stevens.  
  SAINT MA subs: Madison Folsom; Emma Prothe.  
6-5 [Emma Prothe] Attack error by Jordan Valentine. Point SAINT MA
[Emma Prothe] Service error. Point BETHANY 6-6
  BETHANY subs: Madison Scott.  
7-6 [Atlantis Jamerson] Service error. Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Brekken Anderson.  
  SAINT MA subs: Michelle Dvorak.  
8-6 [Keishla Reyes] Ball handling error by McKenzie Scott. Point SAINT MA
[Keishla Reyes] Service error. Point BETHANY 8-7
  BETHANY subs: Justice Brackney.  
[Jordan Valentine] Bad set by Abby Hairell. Point BETHANY 8-8
9-8 [Jordan Valentine] Service error. Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Cameron Boyd.  
  SAINT MA subs: Rylee Kenitzer; Haydan Heuermann.  
[Haydan Heuermann] Kill by Madison Scott (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 9-9
  BETHANY subs: Cierra Davis.  
[McKenzie Scott] Attack error by Rylee Kenitzer. Point BETHANY 9-10
[McKenzie Scott] Kill by Madison Scott (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 9-11
10-11 [McKenzie Scott] Kill by Michelle Dvorak (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Bailey Chintala; Keagan Shockley.  
11-11 [Bailey Chintala] Attack error by Cierra Davis. Point SAINT MA
[Bailey Chintala] Attack error by Michelle Dvorak (block by Madison Scott; Justice Brackney). Point BETHANY 11-12
  SAINT MA subs: Michelle Dvorak.  
  BETHANY subs: Jolyssa Marquart; Atlantis Jamerson.  
[Jolyssa Marquart] Attack error by Rylee Kenitzer. Point BETHANY 11-13
12-13 [Jolyssa Marquart] Ball handling error by McKenzie Scott. Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Hannah Vanriette; Laney Ward.  
13-13 [Laney Ward] Kill by Rylee Kenitzer (from Laney Ward). Point SAINT MA
14-13 [Laney Ward] Kill by Hannah Vanriette (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
15-13 [Laney Ward] Attack error by Atlantis Jamerson. Point SAINT MA
  Timeout Bethany.  
16-13 [Laney Ward] Kill by Keagan Shockley (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
17-13 [Laney Ward] Kill by Hannah Vanriette (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
[Laney Ward] Service error. Point BETHANY 17-14
  SAINT MA subs: Michelle Dvorak.  
18-14 [Cameron Boyd] Kill by Keagan Shockley (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Alli Puetz; Abby Hairell.  
[Abby Hairell] Attack error by Keagan Shockley (block by Jordan Valentine; Atlantis Jamerson). Point BETHANY 18-15
  BETHANY subs: Kaitlin Estes.  
19-15 [Kaitlin Estes] Attack error by Cameron Boyd. Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Parker Stevens.  
  SAINT MA subs: Madison Folsom; Emma Prothe.  
[Emma Prothe] Kill by Atlantis Jamerson (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 19-16
  BETHANY subs: Madison Scott.  
20-16 [Atlantis Jamerson] Kill by Madison Folsom (from Abby Hairell). Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Brekken Anderson.  
  SAINT MA subs: Michelle Dvorak.  
[Keishla Reyes] Attack error by Emma Prothe. Point BETHANY 20-17
  BETHANY subs: Justice Brackney.  
21-17 [Jordan Valentine] Kill by Michelle Dvorak (from Abby Hairell). Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Cameron Boyd.  
  SAINT MA subs: Rylee Kenitzer; Haydan Heuermann.  
22-17 [Haydan Heuermann] Service ace (Parker Stevens). Point SAINT MA
  Timeout Bethany.  
23-17 [Haydan Heuermann] Bad set by Madison Scott. Point SAINT MA
[Haydan Heuermann] Attack error by Madison Folsom. Point BETHANY 23-18
  BETHANY subs: Cierra Davis.  
24-18 [McKenzie Scott] Kill by Michelle Dvorak (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Bailey Chintala; Keagan Shockley.  
25-18 [Bailey Chintala] Attack error by Cierra Davis. Point SAINT MA
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  BETHANY subs: Jolyssa Marquart; Jordan Valentine; McKenzie Scott; Atlantis Jamerson; Justice Brackney; Cierra Davis.  
  SAINT MA subs: Emma Prothe; Rylee Kenitzer; Jessica Malizzi; Hannah Vanriette; Michelle Dvorak; Haydan Heuermann.  
  SAINT MA subs: Keishla Reyes.  
  BETHANY subs: Cameron Boyd.  
1-0 [Cameron Boyd] Kill by Rylee Kenitzer (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Keagan Shockley.  
[Jessica Malizzi] Kill by Jordan Valentine (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 1-1
  BETHANY subs: Kaitlin Estes.  
[Kaitlin Estes] Attack error by Keagan Shockley (block by Jordan Valentine; McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 1-2
2-2 [Kaitlin Estes] Kill by Michelle Dvorak (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Parker Stevens.  
  SAINT MA subs: Hannah Vanriette; Laney Ward.  
3-2 [Laney Ward] Attack error by Jordan Valentine. Point SAINT MA
[Laney Ward] Attack error by Keagan Shockley. Point BETHANY 3-3
  BETHANY subs: Madison Scott.  
  SAINT MA subs: Michelle Dvorak.  
4-3 [Atlantis Jamerson] Kill by Hannah Vanriette (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Alli Puetz; Abby Hairell.  
  BETHANY subs: Brekken Anderson.  
[Abby Hairell] Kill by Jordan Valentine (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 4-4
  BETHANY subs: Justice Brackney.  
5-4 [Jordan Valentine] Kill by Keagan Shockley (from Abby Hairell). Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Cameron Boyd.  
  SAINT MA subs: Emma Prothe.  
[Emma Prothe] Attack error by Hannah Vanriette. Point BETHANY 5-5
  BETHANY subs: Cierra Davis.  
[McKenzie Scott] Bad set by Abby Hairell. Point BETHANY 5-6
6-6 [McKenzie Scott] Attack error by McKenzie Scott. Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Michelle Dvorak.  
[Keishla Reyes] Kill by Madison Scott (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 6-7
  BETHANY subs: Jolyssa Marquart; Atlantis Jamerson.  
[Jolyssa Marquart] Attack error by Alli Puetz. Point BETHANY 6-8
[Jolyssa Marquart] Attack error by Alli Puetz. Point BETHANY 6-9
7-9 [Jolyssa Marquart] Kill by Michelle Dvorak (from Abby Hairell). Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Rylee Kenitzer; Haydan Heuermann.  
[Emma Prothe] Kill by Atlantis Jamerson (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 7-10
  BETHANY subs: Jordan Valentine.  
8-10 [Cameron Boyd] Kill by Rylee Kenitzer (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Keagan Shockley.  
[Jessica Malizzi] Kill by Jordan Valentine (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 8-11
  BETHANY subs: Kaitlin Estes.  
[Kaitlin Estes] Kill by Atlantis Jamerson (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 8-12
9-12 [Kaitlin Estes] Service error. Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Parker Stevens.  
  SAINT MA subs: Hannah Vanriette; Laney Ward.  
10-12 [Laney Ward] Attack error by Jordan Valentine. Point SAINT MA
[Laney Ward] Kill by Atlantis Jamerson (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 10-13
  BETHANY subs: Madison Scott.  
  SAINT MA subs: Michelle Dvorak.  
[Atlantis Jamerson] Service ace (Jessica Malizzi). Point BETHANY 10-14
11-14 [Atlantis Jamerson] Kill by Rylee Kenitzer (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Brekken Anderson.  
  SAINT MA subs: Kiara Pena; Abby Hairell.  
12-14 [Abby Hairell] Kill by Hannah Vanriette. Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Rylee Paramore.  
13-14 [Abby Hairell] Kill by Keagan Shockley (from Abby Hairell). Point SAINT MA
[Abby Hairell] Kill by Jordan Valentine (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 13-15
  BETHANY subs: Justice Brackney.  
[Jordan Valentine] Attack error by Keagan Shockley. Point BETHANY 13-16
14-16 [Jordan Valentine] Attack error by Justice Brackney. Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Cameron Boyd.  
  SAINT MA subs: Emma Prothe.  
15-16 [Emma Prothe] Attack error by Brekken Anderson. Point SAINT MA
  Timeout Bethany.  
[Emma Prothe] Kill by Madison Scott (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 15-17
16-17 [McKenzie Scott] Service error. Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Courtney Rexroat; Michelle Dvorak.  
[Courtney Rexroat] Attack error by Jessica Malizzi. Point BETHANY 16-18
17-18 [Courtney Rexroat] Attack error by Justice Brackney. Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Jolyssa Marquart; Atlantis Jamerson.  
  SAINT MA subs: Hannah Vanriette.  
18-18 [Jolyssa Marquart] Service error. Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Rylee Kenitzer; Haydan Heuermann.  
19-18 [Haydan Heuermann] Attack error by Cierra Davis. Point SAINT MA
20-18 [Haydan Heuermann] Attack error by Justice Brackney (block by Jessica Malizzi; Michelle Dvorak). Point SAINT MA
[Haydan Heuermann] Kill by Atlantis Jamerson (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 20-19
21-19 [Cameron Boyd] Kill by Michelle Dvorak (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Keagan Shockley.  
22-19 [Jessica Malizzi] Attack error by Jordan Valentine (block by Jessica Malizzi; Michelle Dvorak). Point SAINT MA
  Timeout Bethany.  
23-19 [Jessica Malizzi] Service ace (Atlantis Jamerson). Point SAINT MA
24-19 [Jessica Malizzi] Attack error by Atlantis Jamerson. Point SAINT MA
[Jessica Malizzi] Kill by Jordan Valentine (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 24-20
  BETHANY subs: Kaitlin Estes.  
25-20 [Kaitlin Estes] Kill by Keagan Shockley (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
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  BETHANY subs: Brekken Anderson; Madison Scott; McKenzie Scott; Rylee Paramore; Justice Brackney; Cameron Boyd.  
  SAINT MA subs: Emma Prothe; Jessica Malizzi; Keagan Shockley; Keishla Reyes; Michelle Dvorak; Haydan Heuermann.  
1-0 [Haydan Heuermann] Attack error by Madison Scott (block by Keagan Shockley; Michelle Dvorak). Point SAINT MA
2-0 [Haydan Heuermann] Kill by Keagan Shockley (from Keishla Reyes). Point SAINT MA
3-0 [Haydan Heuermann] Kill by Jessica Malizzi (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
[Haydan Heuermann] Attack error by Michelle Dvorak. Point BETHANY 3-1
  BETHANY subs: Cierra Davis.  
4-1 [McKenzie Scott] Kill by Michelle Dvorak (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Rylee Kenitzer.  
5-1 [Jessica Malizzi] Attack error by Madison Scott (block by Keagan Shockley). Point SAINT MA
6-1 [Jessica Malizzi] Ball handling error by McKenzie Scott. Point SAINT MA
7-1 [Jessica Malizzi] Kill by Keagan Shockley (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
[Jessica Malizzi] Kill by Madison Scott (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 7-2
[Laney Ward] Service error. Point BETHANY 7-3
[Cameron Boyd] Attack error by Keagan Shockley (block by Jordan Valentine; Atlantis Jamerson). Point BETHANY 7-4
[Cameron Boyd] Attack error by Hannah Vanriette. Point BETHANY 7-5
[Cameron Boyd] Kill by Atlantis Jamerson. Point BETHANY 7-6
8-6 [Cameron Boyd] Kill by Hannah Vanriette (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
9-6 [Abby Hairell] Ball handling error by McKenzie Scott. Point SAINT MA
[Abby Hairell] Kill by Jordan Valentine (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 9-7
  BETHANY subs: Kaitlin Estes.  
[Kaitlin Estes] Service ace (Rylee Kenitzer). Point BETHANY 9-8
[Kaitlin Estes] Kill by Jordan Valentine (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 9-9
[Kaitlin Estes] Attack error by Rylee Kenitzer. Point BETHANY 9-10
  SAINT MA subs: Madison Folsom.  
[Kaitlin Estes] Ball handling error by Abby Hairell. Point BETHANY 9-11
  Timeout Saint Mary.  
10-11 [Kaitlin Estes] Kill by Rylee Kenitzer (from Abby Hairell). Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Rylee Paramore.  
  SAINT MA subs: Emma Prothe; Kiara Pena.  
11-11 [Emma Prothe] Service ace (Cameron Boyd). Point SAINT MA
12-11 [Emma Prothe] Kill by Hannah Vanriette (from Abby Hairell). Point SAINT MA
13-11 [Emma Prothe] Attack error by Atlantis Jamerson. Point SAINT MA
[Emma Prothe] Attack error by Jessica Malizzi. Point BETHANY 13-12
  BETHANY subs: Madison Scott.  
14-12 [Atlantis Jamerson] Kill by Kiara Pena (from Abby Hairell). Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Brekken Anderson.  
  SAINT MA subs: Courtney Rexroat; Michelle Dvorak.  
[Courtney Rexroat] Attack error by Michelle Dvorak. Point BETHANY 14-13
  BETHANY subs: Justice Brackney.  
  SAINT MA subs: Keishla Reyes.  
15-13 [Jordan Valentine] Attack error by Madison Scott. Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Cameron Boyd.  
  SAINT MA subs: Keagan Shockley; Haydan Heuermann.  
[Haydan Heuermann] Kill by Madison Scott (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 15-14
  BETHANY subs: Cierra Davis.  
[McKenzie Scott] Attack error by Jessica Malizzi. Point BETHANY 15-15
16-15 [McKenzie Scott] Kill by Jessica Malizzi (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Rylee Kenitzer.  
[Jessica Malizzi] Service error. Point BETHANY 16-16
  BETHANY subs: Jolyssa Marquart; Atlantis Jamerson.  
[Jolyssa Marquart] Attack error by Rylee Kenitzer. Point BETHANY 16-17
[Jolyssa Marquart] Service ace (Keishla Reyes). Point BETHANY 16-18
17-18 [Jolyssa Marquart] Ball handling error by McKenzie Scott. Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Hannah Vanriette; Laney Ward.  
18-18 [Laney Ward] Attack error by Atlantis Jamerson. Point SAINT MA
[Laney Ward] Attack error by Jessica Malizzi. Point BETHANY 18-19
  BETHANY subs: Jordan Valentine.  
  SAINT MA subs: Keishla Reyes; Michelle Dvorak.  
19-19 [Cameron Boyd] Kill by Rylee Kenitzer (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
  SAINT MA subs: Kiara Pena; Abby Hairell.  
[Abby Hairell] Service error. Point BETHANY 19-20
  BETHANY subs: Kaitlin Estes.  
20-20 [Kaitlin Estes] Service error. Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Rylee Paramore.  
  SAINT MA subs: Emma Prothe.  
[Emma Prothe] Attack error by Jessica Malizzi. Point BETHANY 20-21
  BETHANY subs: Madison Scott.  
21-21 [Atlantis Jamerson] Service error. Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Brekken Anderson.  
  SAINT MA subs: Courtney Rexroat.  
  SAINT MA subs: Michelle Dvorak.  
[Courtney Rexroat] Kill by Jordan Valentine (from McKenzie Scott). Point BETHANY 21-22
  SAINT MA subs: Hannah Vanriette; Keishla Reyes.  
  BETHANY subs: Justice Brackney.  
22-22 [Jordan Valentine] Kill by Michelle Dvorak (from Abby Hairell). Point SAINT MA
  BETHANY subs: Cameron Boyd.  
  SAINT MA subs: Keagan Shockley; Haydan Heuermann.  
23-22 [Haydan Heuermann] Kill by Michelle Dvorak (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
  Timeout Bethany.  
[Haydan Heuermann] Service error. Point BETHANY 23-23
  BETHANY subs: Cierra Davis.  
24-23 [McKenzie Scott] Kill by Keagan Shockley (from Haydan Heuermann). Point SAINT MA
25-23 [Jolyssa Marquart] Attack error by Atlantis Jamerson (block by Keagan Shockley). Point SAINT MA
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